Monday, August 6, 2012

Hello World!

Wow, my apologies everyone. The past month was a blur, I moved, got married, and traveled between South Dakota and Iowa about 14 times. needless-to-say, I was busy.

Now, we're extremely close to football season and I've got a few more write ups on a few more teams in the MVFC. I'll get those done soon.

I was contacted by a Bison fan about possibilities of multiple bloggers to help carry some of the load on the blog. I would love that. If you are interested in guest blogging please email me at I'll be looking into how that all works.

I am also newly armed with a brand new smart phone, my first. I plan to use it diligently for the blog.

In the mean time, enjoy these pictures of future MVFC stadium projects:

1 comment:

  1. L­a­s­t­ ­Y­e­a­r ­I­ ­p­a­i­d­ ­l­o­t­ ­o­f­ ­m­o­n­e­y­ ­f­o­r­ ­N­F­L­ ­N­e­t­w­o­r­k­. ­N­E­V­E­R­ ­a­g­a­i­n­ ! ­N­o­w­ ­I­ ­a­m­ ­w­a­t­c­h­i­n­g­ ­N­F­L­ , ­N­C­A­A­F­ ­a­n­d­ ­a­l­l­ ­o­t­h­e­r­ ­s­p­o­rts ­o­n­ ­ NFLFOXHD .COM . ,­I­ ­t­h­i­n­ ­ ­ ­i­s­ ­t­h­e­ ­b­e­s­t­ ­t­v­ ­b­r­o­a­d­c­a­s­t­e­r ­t­h­i­s ­y­e­a­r­

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